Traveling with Lifestyle Friends
Traveling with Lifestyle Friends
Travel is amazing. Travel with Lifestyle friends where you also get to mix sexy time into the adventure, even better.
We often get asked about travel. We have not been able to go to as many places as we dream about. Nor have we been able to have as many adventures with the awesome friends we have made in the Lifestyle. Having said that, we have had some fabulous times in some beautiful places. We feel fortunate that we shared our travels with good friends and came out of it with incredible memories and came home feeling closer to those friends.
To maximize the likelihood that your travels will create memories you cherish and not ones that make you cringe, we have a few suggestions.
We recommend traveling with people you know well and have spent a lot of of time with over multiple occasions, especially if you are planning on staying in close quarters. If it’s a cruise, this may be less of a worry because you have your own stateroom and can get away from everyone and have your own space. Either way, it is helpful to go with people that you feel you have basic things in common with and you have a decent basis of friendship that you can cooperate and work out any issues, or miscommunications. Because let’s face it, we are human and, as I have said in previous articles, we all fuck up sometimes.
In more casual friendships, people may be a lot of fun when they are fed, fucked and a bit tipsy. But what are they like when they are hangry? Or hungover? Will they understand if you and your spouse need some time just for yourselves? Do they, as a couple, get along as well as you think they do? Do you know their relationship enough to feel comfortable with their rules, or lack of rules, or personalities, for an entire week? Do you know how you will feel if things aren’t going the way you thought or hoped?
Then there are the practicalities. For example, you may be used to your spouse’s snoring. But in a hotel room, your buddies may be quite disenchanted. People can have very different personal habits: smoking vs. non-smoking, marijuana friendly vs. non-friendly, varying amounts of drinking, or differences in general stamina for bedtimes and partying.
We find that it is often best to go into most trips, even Lifestyle ones with no expectations. Let things unfold the way they will. Try to keep a flexible frame of mind and enjoy the flow. But it is much easier to do that if you feel comfortable with the people who are with you.
If you are looking to get away on a Lifestyle Vacation with friends or alone (shameless plug time), keep Black Ring Swing in mind. We are registered agents of Bliss Cruises, Hedo, Desire Resorts and Cruises and Temptation Resort and Cruises. We can book for you or you can book on your own and we give a $30 Credit to anyone that books with us. Check out all our deals and if you have any questions or want to book a meeting, just reach out to us. Black Ring Swing Travel