Black Ring Swing Articles

Articles focusing on experiences in the Swinger Lifestyle. We welcome ideas for our articles. Check back often.

We are NOT professionals and do not dispense advice to anyone who is in the lifestyle or considering entering the lifestyle. We simply want to share our experiences and opinions to enhance our communication and to share information that may be helpful to others.  

Matthew Rassa Matthew Rassa

Hedonism II – A Naked Review

We are often asked what Hedonism II is like.  Or when a couple has been there, they tell us their experience and have questions for us.  Since we have recently visited, we thought we would share some thoughts we had about booking considerations, travel considerations, the resort itself, the routine there and ways to make the most of this fun destination.

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Matthew Rassa Matthew Rassa

Traveling with Lifestyle Friends

Traveling with Lifestyle Friends

Travel is amazing.  Travel with Lifestyle friends where you also get to mix sexy time into the adventure, even better. Read the article to find out about some things to consider before traveling with Lifestyle Friends.

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Matthew Rassa Matthew Rassa

Handling Drama in the Lifestyle

One of the things we most love about the Lifestyle is the cool people we meet and the amazing friends we have. Having said that, we are well aware that there is an abundance of drama out there, and Lifestylers are no exception.

So, how do we respond to drama, what do we do about it and how do we prevent it?

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Matthew Rassa Matthew Rassa

Let’s Talk Guys

We decided to do an article about male performance because we have been asked about this issue several times in the past few weeks, both by Lifestyle couples and in Gina’s work as a couples’ therapist. It is a common issue for vanilla men as well as men in the LS, but unfortunately it is one that is not talked about nearly enough. For once, this is an area that may be easier for women to get through. If a woman is distracted, nervous, or having trouble relaxing, she can lube up and keep going if she chooses to.

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Matthew Rassa Matthew Rassa

Insecurity in the Lifestyle

We all have things about which we are self-conscious. Often, these are things that only we notice. If we share with a friend that thing that we are worried about, we are often told we are being silly and that the thing is not really, well, a thing. Others most often don’t see those “flaws” the way we do.

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